The Case of the Golden Idol

The Case of the Golden Idol Steam CD Key

The Case of the Golden Idol Steam CD Key 7.75 usd
扮演一名 18 世纪侦探,揭开 40 年来 12 起离奇死亡背后的谜团,而这些死亡都以某种方式联系在一起。在这个庞大的叙述中揭露真正的凶手并发现他们的邪恶动机。仔细观察并重建每一个死亡场景。你的推理能力可以识别每个嫌疑人、动机和凶器。揭露神秘金像和觊觎者的真实本质。跟随一个被诅咒的贵族家庭的旅程.
The Case of the Golden Idol Steam CD Key 7.75 usd
The Case of the Golden Idol Steam Altergift 24.44 usd
The Case of the Golden Idol EU v2 Steam Altergift 19.76 usd

The Case of the Golden Idol - Golden Idol Mysteries: The Spider of Lanka DLC Steam CD Key

The Case of the Golden Idol - Golden Idol Mysteries: The Spider of Lanka DLC Steam CD Key 2.23 usd
《兰卡蜘蛛》开始于 1741 年,即《金像案》第一个场景的前一年,揭露了这个长达五年的背叛、贪婪、野心和死亡故事的可怕起源。三个需要解开的场景 该 DLC 以虚构的兰卡王国为背景,提供了三个全新的场景,需要您发挥最大的推理能力才能解开。欺骗之网始于蜘蛛,在兰卡探险期间遇到新老角色。在这些面孔中.
The Case of the Golden Idol - Golden Idol Mysteries: The Spider of Lanka DLC Steam CD Key 2.23 usd

The Case of the Golden Idol - Golden Idol Mysteries: The Lemurian Vampire DLC Steam CD Key

The Case of the Golden Idol - Golden Idol Mysteries: The Lemurian Vampire DLC Steam CD Key 4.99 usd
The Case of the Golden Idol - Golden Idol Mysteries: The Lemurian Vampire DLC Steam CD Key 4.99 usd
The Case of the Golden Idol LATAM Steam CD Key 2.68 usd

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